Be Broken exists to help men, women, and families move from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ – and equip others to do the same. See below to learn more about sexual wholeness and Be Broken.
Who is Be Broken?
Take a deeper look at who we are and what we do.
Learn about our guiding Bible verse, mission, vision, and values.
Clay Vessels
The e-newsletter dedicated to and for Champions of sexual wholeness.
Sent out periodically, Clay Vessels helps keep Champions connected and informed about all the happenings of Be Broken. Grow in praying, learning, serving, giving, and sharing by signing up today.
Sexual Integrity Leadership Summit
This yearly conference exists to equip, support, and collaborate with Christian leaders to promote Gospel-centered sexuality in the Church.
The inaugural conference, held in San Antonio in 2018, brought together many sexual wholeness ministries. Since then this conference has also been held in Atlanta and St. Louis. There is something truly unique about the humility and collaboration that takes place among the wonderful sexual wholeness ministries that work together at and through SILS.