Find a Counselor
Counselors listed below are not Be Broken staff or connected to Be Broken in any official way. This is simply a directory of Christian counselors we are aware of who have training or experience working with people affected by sexual brokenness. Be Broken does not necessarily agree with or endorse all aspects of any individual professional's methods.
In-Person Counseling
Online Help
Be Broken does not keep track of individual state regulations, which change from time to time. Some states allow counselors from other states to practice via Zoom in their state. Some kinds of counselors, such as psychologists, are allowed to practice via Zoom to any state. Coaches and consultants can practice via Zoom to any state.
The following are counselors, coaches, and consultants who offer services via Zoom.
George H. Smith, III
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Crystal Renaud Day
Sue Moore
Gigi Hopkins
Karla Summey
Jean Mudry
Sue Domingos
Hope Redefined