All the advertisements in the world won’t reach others with the message of hope and healing (although they help). As has always been the case, truth is best spread by word of mouth. You can help let others know about Be Broken and the work of sexual wholeness in the following ways.
Pure Life Academy Affiliate
Invite others to enroll in Pure Life Academy online courses and earn a 20% commission on each enrollment.
Tell Others on Social Media
Follow Be Broken on your social media accounts and share posts and content.
Your social media accounts can be a powerful tool to tell others what is important to you. And all it takes is a click!
Tell Your Story
Whether sharing with a friend or in front of a group, it can help to organize your thoughts.
This form provides you with four questions to help organize your story. You may choose to answer these questions for your own use or submit your responses to help us know you better.

Facebook Fundraiser
Birthday fundraisers on Facebook are a popular way to tell others about your favorite cause(s).
Setting up a Facebook Fundraiser is a simple and quick way to increase awareness of Be Broken and to raise support.

Studio Event
Throw a party by hosting a Studio Event to tell your friends and family about your experience with Be Broken.
At a Studio Event, you will host a small group of people to learn about Be Broken from your perspective. This experiential event is designed by you (with the help of Be Broken staff) so that others may get connected as Champions of sexual wholeness. To learn more, or get started with planning, please contact us.