God's Design for Emotional Growth & Sexuality | 30-Week Curriculum
This is an all new and completely unique curriculum designed for homeschool use on the topics of Emotional Development and God’s Design for Sexuality. The curriculum is designed around the six Critical Conversations that prepare children for healthy and God-honoring sexuality. It contains four separate learning tracks for children ages: 5-7, 8-10, 11-12, and 13-18. The curriculum bundle price includes two books, one game, three online courses, 30+ lesson plans (for each age track), and printable assignment packs (for ages 8-18).
See below for more information about the curriculum content what's included in the resources bundle.
More about the 30-week Curriculum
The 30-week curriculum is built around the following six critical conversations that prepare children for healthy and God-honoring sexuality. The lesson plans and accompanying assignments customized for each age track (5-7, 8-10, 11-12, 13-18) to help you equip your children through each stage of their development.
Feelings & Emotions. Developing skills of emotional literacy, awareness, and resilience are necessary for sexual integrity. This is the first and most important skill for children to develop and continue to grow in.
God’s Design for Sex. Having open, judgement-free conversations about how God created us and His purposes for our sexuality is critical to sexual integrity.
Preparation for Exposure. All children will be exposed to sexualized content and ideas eventually, so they should be prepared to know what to do when this happens, and feel safe coming to parents to talk about it.
Temptation. Temptation is real, even Jesus was tempted, so we should not ignore it. Skills for resisting temptation are built upon year by year.
Processing Exposure. Safe family guidelines help families talk through and process exposures to sexual media and situations. Children often need prompts to help them open up about things they have experienced but are afraid to talk about.
Leveraging Your Story. Your story, as a parent, is the leverage to help your child open up about their story. Guidance will help you do this appropriately.
If you have not participated in a Critical Conversations session at a homeschool convention or via webinar, or if you want a refresher, Be Broken offers free, live webinars monthly. You can register for an upcoming free, webinar here:bebroken.org/critical-conversations-webinar
This curriculum map lays out one lesson per week that cover all six of the previously mentioned conversations over a 9-month or 30-week timeline. Conversations are introduced from least to most sensitive to help parents and children get used to having sensitive conversations before getting to those that are potentially the most awkward.
Conversations are broken up so that children are not focusing on just one of the six conversation types, over and over, for weeks at a time.
Topics are arranged so that all ages of children are studying age-appropriate versions of the same topic during any given week. This opens up possibilities for family conversations about the same topic over a meal or family discussion time.
You may, of course, decide to move lessons around to fit your own family and educational needs.
Two books (value of $32)
- Honest Talk: A New Perspective for Talking to Your Kids About Sex - background information for you as the parent as well as content used in lessons for older children.
- Just Between Us: A Parent-Child Journal for Discussing Sensitive Topics, Feelings, and Sexuality - a journal that is integrated into lesson plans for ages 8-18.
One Game (value of $43)
- Honest Talk | The Game - which is built into lessons for students ages 8 and up to practice and reinforce concepts they are learning.
Three Online Courses (value of $90)
- Family Integrity: Emotional Resilience - an interactive online course with lessons to teach emotional literacy, awareness, and resilience. Contains lessons for each age track from 5 to 18 years old.
- Family Integrity: The Need for Freedom - an interactive online course with lessons to teach how to be seen, heard, and understood within the family. Contains lessons for each age track from 5 to 18 years old.
- A Family Game Plan for Discussing Porn - an interactive online course for adolescent children with lesson on the connection between emotions and sexual temptation, processing exposure to sexualized media, helping students ask the questions they still have about sexuality, and how to build a plan to resist the allure of pornography.
Lessons (value of $20)
- Weekly curriculum guide for all ages
- 30+ lesson plans for each age track: 5-7, 8-10, 11-12, and 13-18
- Printable assignment pack for ages 8-10, 11-12, an d 13-18
This curriculum does refer to some outside resources that are not from Be Broken and are not included. These are, however, books that we highly recommend and that many families may already have in their collection.
This curriculum does, however, offer lesson plans and even assignment sheets that we created to help you better utilize each external resource that you choose to include. The external resources referred to in this curriculum are:
Ages 5-7
- God Made Boys and Girls, by Marty Machowski
- God Made all of Me, by Justin & Lindsey Holcomb
- God Made Your Body, by Jim Burns
- But I Want It, by Dr. Holly Karapetkova
Ages 8-10
- How God Makes Babies, by Jim Burns
- The Talk: 7 Biblical Lessons on Sexuality, by Luke Gilkerson
- Good Pictures/Bad Pictures, by Kristen Jenson
- Lilly Learns About Wants and Needs, by Lisa Bullard & Christine Schneider
Ages 11-12
- Changes: 7 Biblical Lessons on Puberty, by Luke & Trisha Gilkerson
Ages 12-18
No outside or additional resources needed
Upon completing your purchase, we will ship you the two books, game, and the curriculum guide. Inside of the curriculum guide will be a scannable QR code/URL, along with a redeemable coupon code to access the three courses on PureLifeAcademy.org.